Price list 2025

All prices are in CZK per 1 night, including VAT. Below are also model examples from practice to calculate the price of accommodation.  Is it possible to pay only in cash.

Price list 2025


All prices are in CZK for 1 night. If you are not sure of the price, do not hesitate to contact us. 

2 adults, car with tent, electricity

May, June, September:

place - 250
2 adults - 150
electricity - 110
holiday fee - 40

 total:  550

July and August:

place - 320
2 adults - 200
electricity - 110
holiday fee - 40

total:  670

2 adults, 2 cars and tent

May, June, September:

place - 250
2 adults - 150
holiday fee - 40
+extra car - 50

total:  490

July and August:

place - 320
2 adults  - 200
holiday fee - 40
+extra car - 70

total:  630

4-bed bungalow
(4 adults with one car)

May, June, September:

4-bed bungalow - 840
parking - 50
holiday fee - 80

total:  970

July and August:

4-bed bungalow - 1 100
parking - 70
holiday fee - 80

total:  1 250

9-bed bungalow

1 or 2 nights:

1 night: 4 300
2 nights: 8 600

3 and more nights:

3 nights: 12 000
+ each additional night for 4 000

2 adults, motorbike and tent
(shared place)

May, June, September:

2 adults - 150
motorbike - 50
tent - 70
holiday fee - 40

total: 310

Juli, August:

2 adults - 200
motorbike - 70
tent - 90
holiday fee - 40

total: 400

2 adults, 2 bicycles, 2 tents
(shared place)

May, June, September:

2 adults - 150
2 tents - 140
holiday fee - 40

total: 330

Juli, August:

2 adults - 200
2 tents - 180
holiday fee - 40

total: 420